Thursday, January 10, 2013

Steps To A Stronger You

With the new year fresh out of the gate we are all looking for ways to change ourselves. At the top of the list of your 2013 resolution is to becoming stronger. Maybe physically, but I am talking about mentally. This is the ultimate how to on becoming a stronger human being.

Lets Begin
1. Stop letting the little things get to you. People spend the majority of there time over-analyzing something small. You do not need to analyze over and over on why your best friend said that you aren't the smartest one in the bunch. Take it with a grain-of-salt and own up to it. Most likely when your good friend is saying you are acting like a retard it is probably because you are. People let little things just ruin there entire day. Who wins in that situation? Not you! Just let that shit go! 

2. Do not rely on anyone but yourself. When you rely on only yourself no one is able to let you down. When someone does come to help you or rescue you it even makes it that big of a surprise. When you rely on yourself it also helps you become more responsible, (ex, I know no ones going to help me pay rent this month, so I need to make sure I have the proper amount of money by the end of the month.) This does not make you a shut out to other people it just reminds you that people are not all what they say they are. Expect the worse and be surprised at there best! 

3. Do not give your heart out to people out of the gate. Remember whenever you give your heart out you are also giving a huge possibility of getting it broken and becoming crushed. Never fall in love with people, only love them as they are because that way you cannot be hurt. This does not mean that you cannot care for someone, go ahead and care for people, just don't let them get close enough to hurt your feeling. It's easier to explain it this way. If you are having sex with someone and you know that there are no emotions there other than just pure lust, remember that. ITS JUST LUST. The more you let your mind think there is something more, the chances of you getting hurt are greater when come to find out it was just lust. Do not sleep with someone that you have strong feelings for unless you know that they express that same feeling towards you. (now the mind can play dirty tricks and can make you believe that they feel the same way, but if you know they are just in it for sex, you know they are just in it for sex, don't let you mind play with you.) If you are looking to sleep with someone just to get laid, than keep it that way, make sure that both partners know that nothing else is going to stem from it. the more you take the right precautions in giving out your heart the less likely you are going to get hurt. 

4. Get over things faster. It's difficult to say that to some people, but the truth to the story is the faster you move on the easier it is to get over things. What is in the past is in the past, you cannot go back, what has happened has happened nothing more nothing less.  You can only learn from your mistakes and go on from there. (Ex. You put your hand on the stove when you were a kid, what did you learn? Did you learn that stoves are evil things and you can never get over the fact that the stove hurt you in that way? Or did you learn that stoves are hot and you shouldn't put your hand on one?) Not letting the little things get to you allows you to see the bigger picture. 

5. Life is hard. Remember that!!! Things are not going to be hand fed to you. You are going to have to work to get what you want. That goes for every aspect in your life! You don't just wake up and have a pay check in your bank account, no you had to go work at a job for 40 hours that week and bust your rump for it. Life is hard and it doesn't help telling anyone that. Keep that shit to yourself. Everyone is going through there own struggle there own problems and the last thing they want is to listen to yours. 

6. Do not be afraid to be alone. Nothing is wrong with enjoying alone time, but it is also not something to be afraid of. You can learn a lot from yourself by being alone. What you like, what you don't like. Knowing yourself and how you act alone will help you act more like yourself around others. Nothing is worse than putting up that wall that makes people believe that you are someone you are not. Living up the expectation of being someone else can cause someone to mentally break-down. NOT GOOD!

7. Along with step 6. Do not be afraid to be yourself! The more you act like you, say the things you wanna say, express your own opinions, the more likely you are to find people that are going to like you for who you are, and not something you are not. I have been lucky to have found a group of friends who accept me for who I really am. They know I'm not that intelligent, they know I am a huge dork, I don't have to be someone I am not around them. 

8. Own up to your personal faults. Nothing knocks down a hater than when you accept the things you are being called. Nothing hurts more than when a hater calls you a name and all you respond with is YUP! Even to the point when someone says that you are something that you are not. Things cannot bother you if you don't let them. (Recently I was called easy, and instead of getting upset (which I initially did) I decided to make a joke out of it. "He called me easy, I don't understand why he would say such true statements about me.") The people who truly know you will already know these faults and will have actually come to love those faults. 

9. Enjoy life! I know people say that all the time but it isn't as hard as it sounds. (Ex. Hate the music at work? When a song comes on that you hate, make up your own lyrics that make it much more hilarious, sing along with those lyrics each time, you and others might even get a laugh out of it.) You cannot dread life, that does not help to make life better for you or anyone around you. Trying to find the positive out of life, than focusing on the negative will put you in that pessimistic mind set that no one wants to be around. Smile more you deserve it!

10. Family. Never forget your family. Make time for your family. Do not let them slip through your fingers. If you aren't speaking with your family it is time to drop whatever happened and pick up a phone and talk to them. Family is a bond that cannot be broken, you can break up every friendship you have, you can break the hearts of many lovers and ex lovers, but losing a family member is a wound that never heals.

11. Stop asking for pity on facebook. Just stop. No one wants to hear what you are doing day to day, so why are they going to care that you are having a shitty day? That also goes along with the inspirational posts, saying, "I'm stronger now than I have ever been." Or any other inspirational quote that is posted on a black and white picture and posted to your wall on your facebook. Usually the people who post this, are sitting behind there keyboard crying. We are all guilty of posting a status that either indirectly asks or straight up asks for your sympathy. Don't do it anymore, it only makes me what to break my lap top when I see it. The strongest people in the world do not get on there facebooks and post about how strong they are. Trust me.

If you take each step I have given you in this blog and remember to always be yourself and never let anyone get you down. You will be stronger and better off for the rest of 2013. The word weak is not in your vocabulary, you are strong and you have to believe you are strong, before you even begin to think of starting any of these steps!
Yeah... Don't post shit like this ^^

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