Wednesday, September 5, 2012

21st Century Election

It's that time again... Election time... Now with all the hype in between Obama and Romney I am not writing this to take sides. I, in all honesty, am not on either side of this election. Though I am writing this to talk about how the nominees need to evolve to get a vote.

First, let me start off by saying that we are in a decade that is over run by technology. Some of this technology didn't exist ten years ago. We have values and ideas now that didn't take place ten years ago. It's not just about the technology with this century but the ideas of this century. Let's not return to the dark ages and start putting bans on human rights.  For an instant gay marriage. Not to long ago it was illegal for whites and blacks to marry. What's the difference? You are repeating history by stating that its an abomination to have these people marry. What's the underlining reasoning for gays not to get married? Because the Bible is against it? What ever happened to separation of Church and state?

The whole talk of wanting to ban birth control and get rid of an institution such as Planned Parenthood is totally, in my eyes, against everything that this country was built upon. Just because a group of people do not agree with something that does not mean that we should get rid of it. Does that make any type of sense to you? I don't agree with Larkburger's prices for the food they serve, but I don't think that we should shut them down. You cannot put a ban on basic human rights. If you want to ban birth control for women, then you can explain the rate of population as that grows and the payment that is going to come along with it. If women and young adults had more education on birth control and the necessary tools to get rid of it we wouldn't need to be having the abortion conversation. Or shows like 16 and Pregnant (do not get me started on that). You want to get rid of birth control and abortion? Tell me how that's going to work?

This country was built on ideas and living for the future of the people for the people.  So evolve with the times don't live on these past ideas of control.  

Because with control come chaos. 

In America we pride ourselves on the fact of our freedom, what we have done to get it and what it stands for. Then why talk about getting rid of basic freedoms for all human rights, and ideas. That goes for Gay Marriage, Legalization Of Marijuana, Healthcare Reform, Dry County's, Taxation without Representation, Ban On Birth Control, Ban on Tobacco.  

If you go back in history and review all the things that caused chaos you would be surprised.
Slavery=Chaos=Civil War=Civil Rights Movement 
Tea Tax=Chaos=Boston Tea Party
Starting the Master Race(Hitler)=Chaos=World War II
Over Taxing the 99%=Chaos=Occupy Wall Street Protests

What's going to happen next?
Ban on Birth Control=Chaos=?
Gay Marriage Illegal=Chaos=?
Ban On Internet Use=Chaos=?
Ban on Healthcare=Chaos=?

In all the history classes i have taken my entire life we are told "If you don't know your history you are bound to repeat it." 

If you do not evolve with the times you are not going to get any sort of vote of mine.

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