Monday, August 27, 2012

50 Shades Of Bullshit.

I was going to sit down and write a blog about the turn-over rate of the work force, but as I was flipping through the HBO channels I had another idea.  Why not write about Hollywood and how the mess up our minds emotionally and romantically?

Life doesn't happen like a movie, you don't go through an issue with something that was heart breaking and life changing, then out of the blue someone comes out of no where and changes everything. No no no.  That's not life, that's Hollywood trying to tell you that everything is going to be okay. This isn't true!!! Hollywood doesn't write about your Fiancee of 5 years cheating on you, sends pictures of naked girls, and naked pictures of himself to others, and then try to guilt you in to making it sound like everything is okay. Where is the happy ending to that?! That now I am sitting in an apartment I cannot afford, going to a job that isn't worth my time for what I get paid for, falling asleep by myself for the first time in 5 years! Hollywood doesn't write a story about that, because its too real. It's too real and people will figure out that life isn't any better that what is thrown at you. 

Even in books!!!! 50 Shades of Grey for example. A story of a sadist ass-hole who changes his whole life because for the first time a women says no to him. What is that supposed to put in our minds? Oh I know, that women are able to change men. No!! If you are getting into a relationship to change someone you are in it for all the wrong reasons!! . 

In all honestly, never fall in love with someone. Just love them. Because if you just love them you won't have the same heart break as if you fall in love with them. 

Don't watch Hollywood movies to make your love life better. It will only tell show you things that are going to make you either act like a psycho or a hopeless romantic.. That makes it easy for someone to step on you, and make you feel low. 

You find a guy, and you keep him. Don't try to change him, don't try to control him, just let him know that you are always going to be there for him no matter what! That you are going to be next to that person, when they are upset, going through a difficult situation, or just when they need someone to forget the world with. Not every girl gets that. 

Now, because my fiancee was such a dick to cheat and make me feel so insecure about myself, I cannot look at a guy without first imagining him breaking my heart before it even happens. Now write about that Hollywood!

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