Friday, May 3, 2013

Why I hate my gender: A Rant

I hate my gender!
Don't mistake this fact, I don't hate being a female, I hate females!
Here's why.. 
The sense of entitlement females walk around with. "Hold the door open for me because I am a female." "Ladies first." "Don't cuss in front of the lady."
This has to go with the idea of equality, women talk about wanting to be treated as an equal as a man but they don't want to be entirely equal. Yes I do think there is no reason for a women to be paid less than a man for doing the same job. If you want to be treated like an equal than don't get upset when (men) jokes are said in front of you.
Females give themselves these horrible names and ideals about themselves. You cannot go around and tell people that a man messed up your self esteem. Only you are in control of what you think of yourself, and if you have bad ideas about yourself don't go blaming a man for it, look in the mirror and fix it.
Also, feminine groups. These self righteous women who sit in circles and tell each other how strong they are. I am strong because I make myself strong, because I make decisions that make me stronger, learning from my mistakes make me stronger. Sitting in a circle with a bunch of women talking about how horrible menstrual cycles are while shoving your face full of chocolate, will not make you stronger.
Also, ladies stop complaining about your menstrual cycles, its been that way sense forever and nothing is going to fix it so just deal with it. Plus stop telling people stories about your menstrual cycles, yes men don't want to hear it, and I DON'T want to hear about it either!
Also, complaining about drama.. Look at the drama in your life ladies. I bet if you trace it back far enough it has to do with you not letting something go. Ladies, let it go!!!
Hearing that its so hard to be a lady, we have to wear make up, heels, wear tight clothes. No one asked you to dress that way. Most of the guys I talk to that you are trying to impress are more impressed by a girl who can be comfortable and be themselves in front of a guy.

Just females piss me off.... Including myself!