Sunday, March 3, 2013


 Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.

Sad is,
When you can't find the positive in a situation
When you can no longer look ahead, but are reminded of your past
When you look in the mirror and don't like what you see
or who you see
When you don't know who you are anymore
The moment you can no longer fake a smile
When a 488 year old man can make you smile before your best friend can
Who are your friends?
When it hurts to cry
When you realize you are the reason why you are crying
When you have a panic attack and no one is here to rub your back
and you're the reason why

Sad is,
Not finding the will or want to do anything
The emotion that is ruining your fun spirited blogs
Asking why? instead of when?
Why I am writing this instead of enjoying my evening
Knowing to let go, but being reluctant to do so
Followed by calm, hope, than somewhere along the ride, 